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Author Adam Silver

8 articles

Adam Silver is an interaction designer focused on design systems and inclusive design. He loves to help organizations deliver products and services so that they’re more efficient, simpler, faster and easier to use. He also wrote a little book called Form Design Patterns.

Better Form Design: One Thing Per Page (Case Study)

Accessibility: Improving The UX For Color-Blind Users

Improving The Color Accessibility For Color-Blind Users

Form Design Patterns

Without forms, the web is a passive experience where content is just consumed. But with forms the web can be collaborative, creative and productive. Forms are at the center of every meaningful interaction, so they’re worth getting a firm handle on. Jump to table of contents.

On first glance, forms are simple to learn. Made up of just a handful of inputs, you can create a form in little time. But when we consider the journeys we need to design, the users we need to design for, the browsers and devices of varying sizes, capabilities and bugs being used; and ensuring that the result is simple and inclusive, form design becomes a far more interesting and bigger challenge.

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Form Design Patterns (eBook)

Without forms, the web is a passive experience where content is just consumed. But with forms the web can be collaborative, creative and productive. Forms are at the center of every meaningful interaction, so they’re worth getting a firm handle on. Jump to table of contents.

On first glance, forms are simple to learn. Made up of just a handful of inputs, you can create a form in little time. But when we consider the journeys we need to design, the users we need to design for, the browsers and devices of varying sizes, capabilities and bugs being used; and ensuring that the result is simple and inclusive, form design becomes a far more interesting and bigger challenge.

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